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Notice of Participation in Business Frontier Fair Exhibition

We will participate in the BusinessFrontier Fair held in Tokyo from October 31st to November 2nd. The products supported by Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center, DENBA+ and DENBA FRYER products will be displayed and we look forward to seeing you at our booth.



Exhibition outline

Date: Monday, October 31st, 2016, Tuesday, November 1st, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2016

Time: 10: 00-18: 00 (last day ends at 17:00)
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, East Hall 7

Admission fee: Free (registration required)

Exhibition scale: 92 companies and related groups


SMEs all over Japan that provide excellent products and services in the following 6 fields, which SMEs have developed by utilizing their technological capabilities toward medium- to long-term business opportunities triggered by the Tokyo 2020 Olympic

Sports / Health Barrier-free Environment Tourism / Hospitality Safety / Security, disaster Prevention Culture / Education / others